Exclusive interview Madison Utendahl

Madison Utendahl, Content & Social Media Director
I love how Ronny Kobo desings for the natural curvature of a woman's body.
Name: Madison Utendahl
Occupation: Content & Social Media Director
Hometown: New York City
Currently In: Rome
Favorite Book: An American Mariage
Favorite Movie: The Beginners
Favorite Song to Dance to: Got to Give It Up by Marvin Gaye
Favorite City: Tie Between Paris & NYC
Q1: If your business/career could speak, what would it say?
It would say, "we've been on an incredible, unpredictable, and exciting journey. There is so much more magic to explore and create".
Q2: How do you balance your professional and personal life?
I balance my professional and personal life by being true to how I operate and not compromising my wellbeing for superficial glory. I am a strong believer that when I take care of my body and mind, my professional work shines. I am a big believer in having grit, working my ass off and rewarding myself for the effort.
Q3: What is one boss move you have made throughout your career that you are most proud of?
Leaving a professional environment that was toxic to my soul for a life that has brought me nothing but joy and happiness.
Q1: How do you relate to Ronny Kobo as a woman and how does the brand speak to you?
I love how Ronny Kobo designs for the natural curvature of a woman's body. Her clothing fits me in all the right places and makes me feel ready to take on what's ahead. As fellow female entrepreneur, I respect full heartedly that Ronny Kobo is a female run/female run brand.
Q2: Where is your favorite spot to step out with your girls?
I love trying new places! I do not have one particular spot that I frequent. A night out with my girls means having fun and switching it up no matter where we are.
Q3: How do you define sexy?
Sexy is when an individual is confident, secure and self-sufficient.
Q4: What is one thing you are insecure about, and how do you work to overcome it?
I struggle with being spontaneous and I feel slightly embarrassed by my need for certainty. I am working to overcome it by putting myself in a path that forces me to trust the amazing and unpredictable timing of my life. My insecurities are riddled with contradictions and while to many that may be overwhelming, I find that reality to be an exciting challenge, one that forces me to grow and develop as a woman.
Q5: In a sisterhood/friendship, what is the one thing you find most important to maintain a healthy and strong relationship?
Honesty and responsibility. I feel responsible to ask my friends hard questions and support them on their journeys. I feel blessed to have a beautiful community of people who do the same for me.